Welcome to the Tri-City Eagles Umpire Information Hub! We have tried to include all the information you will need to know to become a field hockey umpire for the Tri-City Eagles.

Our club has a large group of umpires ranging in skill and experience. We work together as a team during the Spring and Fall leagues to coordinate schedules, mentor and assess new umpires. There are many different opportunities throughout the year, not just at the club but at field hockey events throughout the region.

Why Be An Umpire?

Being an umpire is a fantastic way to get involved with the community and field hockey. You will learn and develop many real-life skills that are applied everyday off the field:

Conflict resolution
Critical decision-making
Time management

You will learn a lot about the game, have fun doing it and earn some income on the side!

How To Become An Umpire

A. If You Previously Umpired for the Tri-City Eagles

If you were an umpire with the Tri-City Eagles in a previous season, go ahead and let us know you would like to umpire for us this season. Fill out the declaration form

B. If You Have Not Umpired Before

To become a field hockey umpire, you:

  • must be at least 13 years old
  • have completed and passed the FHBC Community Umpiring Course
  • have filled out the declaration form
  • will receive an email from the Umpire Coordinators office to confirm that you are on Tri-City’s umpiring team for the season

New umpires start umpiring Mini & Mite and Junior games for the Tri-City Eagles during Spring League. To be certified as a Community Umpire, you must pass a field assessment.

Field Hockey BC Code of Conduct & Code of Etics

Officials, coaches, players, and spectators must abide by the FHBC Code of Conduct to promote high standards and behavior during matches. Please also refer to the FHBC Code of Ethics for Officials.

Umpires cannot be harassed. Immediately report any incident to the Umpire Coordinator.

FHBC Code of Conduct – PDF
FHBC Code of Ethics for Officials – PDF


This is a list of resources that every umpire should have on their phone, or bookmarked for quick and easy reference.

The official FIH (Fédération Internationale de Hockey / International Hockey Federation) rules
Have a copy with you at all times
PDF or App
FHC (Field Hockey Canada) Umpires’ Handbook
This handbook aims to provide Umpires, Local and Provincial Associations with a quick and easy guide to the new FHC umpire ratings scheme, registration, responsibilities and development opportunities with Field Hockey Canada
The FHBC (Field Hockey BC) Officials Webpage
Umpire education, resources and opportunities
FHBC Umpiring on YouTube
A series of umpire webinars and briefings

Questions about Umpiring?

If there’s anything more you’d like to know about umpiring for the Tri-City Eagles,, please reach out – we would love to hear from you!
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